

  1. DEB- AN OVERVIEW At the creation of Udi Diocese, in 2009, the Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. C.A. Aneke inaugurated the mission Education Department to Oversee the Schools (Primary and Secondary) in the
    Diocese. The Members include:
    1. Sir Prof F.C. Eze – Chairman
    2. Sir Dr. Mike Ike-Ene – Vice Chairman
    3. Sir Prof Clifford C. Ani
    4. Sir. Chief Ferdinand C. Ezeano
    5. Sir Cornel Nebo
    6. Sir Joseph I. Chijioke
    7. Rev. Can. Benjamin N. Abia
    8. Dr. Mrs Gladys Aneke
    9. Mr. Samuel Achime
    10. Mr. Abel Ude
    11. Lady Winifred Ani
    12. The Principal – Anglican Technical College Udi
    13. The Principal – Anglican Comprehensive Udi Abia
    14. The Principal – Anglican Grammar School, Nachi
    15. The Principal – Holy Child Convent, Nachi
    16. Ven. Adolphus I. Eneasato – Secretary.

    1. PRIMARY SCHOOLS (Before Take over in 1970)
      S/N Name Of School Date Est.
      1. Anglican Premier Primary School, Bishop's court Umuabi 1917
      2. St. Peter's Anglican Primary School, Abo-Ugulu Amaji, Umuabi 1924
      3. Anglican Central School, Abali Umuaga. 1919
      4. Anglican Central School, Ugwunweke Umuaga. 1918
      5. St. Stephen's hill-side Anglican Primary School, Udi 1950
      6. Emmanuel Church Anglican Primary School, Amokwe Udi. 1919
      7. St. Peter's Anglican Primary School Agbalaenyi Nachi. 1953
      8. St. Peter's Anglican Central School, Umubo Nachi 1965
      9. St. Paul's Anglican Central School, Idedu Amokwe. 1924
      10. CMS Central School Udi/Abia (1946) Upgraded to Sec Sch. in 1981/82
      11. Anglican Central School Obiangu Udi. 1945
      12. St. Luke's Anglican Primary School Abia. 1935
      13. St. Bartholomew Anglican Primary School Aba-Ozo Umuabi. 1958
      14. St. James Anglican School, Oyeowelle, Nachi (1946) Upgraded to a sec sch. 1981/82
      15. Anglican Primary School Ameke, Nachi 1919

      S/N Name Of School Date Est.
      1. Anglican Technical College, Udi 1962
      2. Anglican Comprehensive High School, Udi/Abia Upgraded from CMS Central School Udi/Abia(1946) 1981/82
      3. Anglican Grammar School, Nachi Upgraded from St. Peter's CMS School Nachi (1946) 1981/82
      4. Holy Child Convent Nachi 1999/2000

      S/N Name Of School Date Est.
      1. St. Stephen's Nursery/ Primary School, Udi 1985
      2. All Saints Nursery/Primary School, Amokwe Station 2008
      3. CMS St. Peter's Nachi 2007

  3. SCHOOL POPULATION The population generally is staggering for Primary schools ranging from 14 pupils to 250 and above in some cases.
    In the post primary school the population equally fluctuates
    1. HCCN – 61
    2. Anglican Grammar School Nachi – 75
    3. Anglican Technical college Udi – 483
    4. Anglican Comprehensive High School Udi/Abia -575

  4. COMPLETED/ON GOING PROJECTS – These are the projects either ongoing or are completed at our various schools.
    At Anglican Comprehensive High School (ACHS) Udi/Abia the projects are: Complete renovation of
    1. Dilapidated Principal's office
    2. The collapse School Assembly and Exam Hall and
    3. Installation of Security gadgets at the steps and computer rooms by mission
    4. Ongoing walling of the school compound by the Parents Association P.A.

    The Projects at Anglican Technical College Udi includes:

    1. Rehabilitation of one of the dilapidated school blocks
    2. The rehabilitation of the Principal/Administrative office
    3. The old Principal's house renovated and now housing some NYSC/Staff members.
    4. Plan to erect fence wall to adjoin the gate on both side.
    5. P.A. has plans to erect a block for hall.
    6. Government agencies have renovated and equipped two buildings with computers, etc.

    At HCCN, there are

    1. Provisions of classrooms, Different equipment, library and staff rooms
    2. Renovation and installation of iron security gadgets for the dormitory are on going
    3. Also negotiation of possible extension and more structure including office for the principal is underway
    4. Then at Anglican Grammar School, Oyeowelle, Nachi there is an untold dilapidation following the takeover of schools by the government. Meanwhile, repairs on the roof of the classroom are ongoing. Also a new classroom block is under construction.

  5. PARTNERS – ESSPIN/UKAID This agency has helped our schools in many ways:
    1. Renovating of some schools – eg. St Peter's Primary School, Agbalaenyi Nachi
    2. Provision of schools requirements such as text books, uniforms, shoes, bags etc.
    3. Helping less the privileged to access education through provision of ii above
    4. Helping train and retrain Head teachers/ teachers in Schools to acquire modern methods of imparting knowledge to pupils
    5. Sponsors periodic inspection of the schools through SSO's and MIST..

  6. CHLLENGES: The war of 1967-1970 opened channels for destruction. But much more devastation came upon our schools due to government takeover of schools in 1970.
    These are the challenges we are facing due to government neglect:
    1. Decay in morals and discipline of students and teachers
    2. Dilapidation of school buildings/ structures
    3. Un mitigated destruction and looting of property by enemies of progress in the communities
    4. Pupils and students prefer business to education
    5. Land encroachment by natives who build personal houses on school lands
    6. Natives become disenchanted about school maintenance following government's utopian claim about takeover of mission schools while it never maintained schools
    7. On return of the schools, there were no grants from the government to the mission to help renovate and maintain schools.
    8. The current challenge is the recent after thought and misguided publication by the Enugu state Government that the originally Returned Schools above were Wrongly Returned and have been taken back by the govt.
    9. Poor population.

  7. Other Activities include:
    1. Introduction and teaching of Moral instruction lessons to instil discipline
    2. Re-activation of retreats, seminars and open forums with parents, teachers and other stake holders
    3. Re-introduction of the termly one week opening and closing prayer sessions for the schools.
    4. Sports and prize giving day
    5. Regular meetings of PA and the SMC
    6. Pastoral visiting of the Schools by Mission authorities for interaction with teachers and students
    7. Un scheduled school inspection amongst others.


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