

WHEREAS the First Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at the St. Paul’s Church Idedu, Amokwe; the Synod was presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chijioke A. Aneke on the theme “Go and Make Disciples of all Nations.” Matt. 28:19-20. The Synod was duly constituted and made up of the House of Bishop, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity, representing all the Parishes and Church organizations in the Diocese. After exhaustive deliberations on the Bishop’s charge, the Bible Study and Various Committee Reports and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Synod rose with the following Communique / Resolutions.
    The Synod expresses her sincere gratitude to Almighty God for His inspiration and guidance in making the First Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese a success.
    The Synod expresses her profound gratitude to the Bishop and commends the profound, incisive, inspiring, visionary expository, erudite, dynamic and energetic manner he spiritually presented the Presidential Address / Bishop’s Charge and his choice of this year’s Theme “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations.”
    The Synod congratulates the Diocesan Women President, Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke (Nne Udo) and the Women Ministry on their massive move towards the development of the Diocese both Spiritually and Materially.
    The Synod appreciates and is thankful to God for the Synod Guest Preacher Ven. Professor Chinedu Ositadinma Nebo the former Minister of Power of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He brilliantly and spiritually dealt with the said Theme. The Synod is also immensely appreciative of Ven. Ernest Okechukwu Onuoha, Rector of Ibru International Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State who professionally and scholarly co-ordinated the Bible Study as well as the sermons. The Synod further expresses its gratitude to Ven. Prof. Ernest Onwuasoigwe Provost of College of Medicine University of Nigeria who was represented by Dr. Obinna Arinze for his inspiring and revealing presentations on issue of eye health, particularly glaucoma and cataract and their link with diabetes. The Synod was pleased with the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and the Diocesan. More significant is the visit of the Archbishop of the Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Enugu Diocese, His Grace Most Rev’d Dr. E. O. Chukwuma OON. The Synod is also grateful to the Amokwe Archdeaconry and in particular St. Paul’s Church Idedu Amokwe for successfully hosting the First Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion). It also expresses its gratitude to the secretariat, led by Ven. T. N. Igwenagu, the mass media, security agencies, kitchen, visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects of the Diocese.
    The Synod is grateful to God for the choice of this year’s Synod Theme “Go and Make Disciples of all Nations.” Matt. 28:19. There is no doubt that the Theme was chosen under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it is most appropriate at this time when believers are not eager to witness and evangelize to others as the Apostles of old did in their own time. This well researched Theme which was brilliantly and eloquently delivered has shown that it is a call for all believers both ordained and lay to answer this Great Commission knowing that the one who calls is the one who equips and the one who sends is the one who goes before as captain to see that the task is accomplished.
    The Synod expresses gratitude to God for the wonderful achievements of the Diocese which include.
    • The successful completion of its Second Synod.
    • Planting of Churches; dedication of our Cathedral, Cathedral Church of Emmanuel, Umuabi and our Bishop’s court by the Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria The Most Rev’d Dr. N. D. Okoh.
    • Ordination of Priest and continuous aggressive Evangelism and Mission. The Synod is grateful to the entire women of Udi Diocese for the massive support they give to the Diocese and to their President and urges them not to relent in their good work.
    The Synod urges believers to form the habit of witnessing and evangelizing to others with their substance.
    The Synod congratulates His Grace, the Most Rev. Dr. Emanuel Olisa Chukwuma (OON) for successfully hosting the Church of Nigeria General Synod.
    The Synod thanks the Almighty God for seeing Nigeria through the recently concluded 2015 election in the country. The Synod heartily congratulates our new President His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari and his Deputy Prof. Yemi Osibanjo on their victory at the polls. The Synod enjoins all Christians and all Nigerians to continually uphold them and their new administration in prayer for better Nigeria. The Synod admonishes the President to be weary of Sycophants who are little foxes that destroy good governance. The Synod highly commends the immediate past President Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for his exemplary show of statesmanship by his willingness to relinquish power without struggling. The Synod prays the Almighty God to show Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan mercy even as he (Goodluck) showed mercy to Nigeria and Nigerians. The Synod notes with dismay the frequency with which our elected politicians defect with alacrity from one party to another which is unhealthy for our society. The Synod notes that section 68 (1) of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria would have curtailed the tide if not for the proviso under the same section of the constitution. The Synod therefore calls for the expunging of the proviso under section 68 (1)(g) of our constitution. The Synod encourages the electorate to exercise their rights under section 69 of 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria to check the excesses of their irresponsible representatives. The Synod commends the effort of the Military in containing the excesses of insurgents / Boko Haram in the North East of the Country. The Synod implores the Military not to relent until the abducted Chibok girls are rescued.
    The Synod heartily congratulates the newly elected Governor of Enugu State His Excellency Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (Gburugburu) and his Deputy Barr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Ezeilo for their victory at the polls and their inauguration. The Synod admonishes the Governor and his deputy to make God the bedrock of their administration for them to excel. The Synod notes with dismay the inconclusive return of Schools to the Missions by the immediate past administration. The Synod implores State Government to urgently conclude the pending issue of handover of Schools to their original owners, following the good example of other sister states. The Synod urges Enugu State Government to empower our teaming youths by creating jobs for them by resuscitating our dilapidated industries which include Oji River Thermal Station, Sunrise Flour Mill Emene, Niger Steel Emene, Cashew Industry Oghe, Niger Gas Emene etc.
    The Synod notes that it would be tragic for our generation to neglect this marching order to “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations” and yet hope to get everlasting life in heaven.

The Synod therefore warns all believers to be on guard not to neglect this Great Commission that is witnessing and evangelizing to the world that is reaching the lost for Christ, making disciples of all nations, all peoples, all ethnic groups, all tribes and all races.

Rt. Rev. Chijioke Augustine Aneke(JP).
Bishop, Diocese of Udi.


WHEREAS the Second Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at the Cathedral Church of Emmanuel Umuabi; the Synod was presided over by the Bishop, The Rt. Rev.Chijioke Augustine. Aneke, who dwelt on the theme: ‘Witnessing for Christ’ Acts 1:8. The Synod was duly constituted and made up of Diocesan Officials, including the House of Bishop, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity. After exhaustive deliberations on the Bishop’s Charge, the Bible Study and various Committee reports and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Synod rose with the following communiqué / resolutions.
    The Synod expresses sincere gratitude to the Almighty God for his inspiration and guidance in making the Second Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese a success.
    The Synod expresses profound gratitude to the Bishop, Rt. Rev. C. A Aneke for his choice of this year’s Theme, ‘Witnessing for Christ’ and commends the lively, inspiring , visionary, erudite, dynamic and energetic manner by which he spiritually presented the presidential address / Bishop’s Charge.
    The Synod congratulates the Diocesan Women President, Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke (Nne Udo) and the Women Ministry on their massive move towards the development of the Diocese both spiritually and materially and urges them not to relent in their good works.
    The Synod is highly grateful to the Synod Guest Preacher Rt. Rev Ken Ifemene, Bishop of Ikwo Diocese who did a wonderful exposition of the Synod Theme. The Synod is also immensely appreciative of Rt. Rev Johnson Onuoha, Bishop of Arochukwu/Ohofia Diocese for professionally and scholarly co-ordinating the bible study. The Synod gives thanks to God for the testimony of Ven. Onyemachi Okafor Oko from the Diocese of Asaba and implores members of the Diocese to take seriously the revelations and message in that testimony. The Synod is pleased with the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and Diocesan. More significant, the visit of the Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Enugu Diocese , His Grace Most Rev Dr E.O Chukwuma (OON), the Archbishop of Province of the Niger and Bishop of Aguata Diocese, Most Rev C.U. Efobi and the former Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Enugu, Most Rev. Dr. A. A. Madu. The Synod is also grateful to the Cathedral Deanery, the Administrator of the Deanery Rev. Canon O.V. Chukwuemeka, all the Workers and members of the Local Organizing Committee for successfully hosting the Second Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion). The Synod also expresses its gratitude to the Secretariat, led by Ven. T.N Igwenagu, the Mass Media, Security Agencies, Kitchen Unit, Visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects of the Diocese.
    The Synod condoles with the family of late Sir. Reginald Eneasato who was actively involved in the Synod preparation as the Chairman of the publicity sub-committee of the LOC and had already sent in pages of goodwill message before he was brutally murdered by unknown gun men some weeks before the Synod.
    The Synod is grateful to God for the choice of this year’s Synod Witnessing for Christ, Acts 1: 8. There is no doubt that the theme was chosen under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it is most appropriate at this time when believers are not eager to witness and evangelize to others as the Apostles of old did in their own time. This well researched theme which was brilliantly and eloquently delivered has shown that it is a challenge to all believers both ordained and lay to answer this clarion call knowing that the one who calls is the one who equips and the one who sends is the one who goes before as captain to see that the task is accomplished. The Synod appreciates the Central planning Committee, led by Sir. Steve Ezenwa for their untiring effort sacrifice dedication to duty and prays that the Almighty and will strengthen them for greater tasks ahead.
    The Synod expresses gratitude to God for the impressive achievements of the Diocese which include:-
    • Planting of Churches
    • Ordination of Priests and Deacons.
    • Aggressive evangelism and mission.
    • The fencing project going on at Holy Child Convent Nachi which will help to raise the image of the school.
    • The renovation of dilapidated structures at Udi Anglican Technical College, Udi.
    The Synod urges believers to form the habit of witnessing and evangelizing to others both at home and their places of work. The Synod commends the A.Y.F for successfully inaugurating the Udi Diocesan Council of A.Y.F and Investiture of the Bishop and his wife as the National Patron and Grand Patron of the Udi Diocesan Council of the Organization. The Synod also commends the Anglican Communion Brigade of Udi Diocese for the successful inauguration and decoration of the Bishop and his wife as the Grand Patron and Deputy Grand Patron respectively. The Synod appreciates the Udi chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) for appointing the Bishop as their Patron and prays God to strengthen the Bishop in carrying out these assignments.
    The Synod notes with dismay that one year into the present administration the plight of the citizenry instead of improving has worsened greatly and therefore implores the government at all levels to ameliorate the pains of the common man. The Synod recommends the creation of State Police to contain the increasing societal vices like the menace of Fulani Herdsmen and other security challenges. The Synod denounces the attempt of the National Assembly to legislate on creation of grazing reserves and ranches across the nation as the rearing of cattle is a private business just like poultry or piggery farming. The Synod commends the Governor of Ekiti State for his courage to barn the activities of the Fulani Herdsmen in his state and enjoins other Governors in the country to emulate him. The Synod enjoins the Federal Government and the people of Niger Delta to embrace dialogue with a view to finding permanent solution to the crisis ravaging the area in the interest of Nigeria. The Synod enjoins the Federal Government to be equitable and respect the Federal Character Provisions in our constitution in appointment to Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government. The Synod while commending the Federal Government’s fight against corruption urges that money refunded should be tied to specific projects The Synod encourages the youths in the country to explore possible means of self employment since the Government cannot adequately provide jobs for the teaming population
    The Synod congratulates the Governor 0 Enugu State Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (Gburugburu) and the Government of Enugu State for their one year in office. The Synod commends the Governor for his pro-active measures during the Nimbo crisis in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area and urges him to further implement the recommendation of the Commission of Inquiry set up to investigate the crisis . The Synod urges the Governor to take disposal action on the issue of the handover of schools to the Missionaries.
    The Synod notes with dismay the deplorable condition of roads in the South-East and urges the Federal Government to declare a state of emergency in that respect. In view of the urgency of the Synod Theme the Synod urges every member of the Diocese to take seriously the task of witnessing for Christ in order to win more souls and beat back the tide of evil in the society. The Synod finally commends the Bishop for setting up a monitoring and implementation committee that will see to the realization of the expectations of the Bishop’s Charge and urges him to see that the committee expedites action.
  11. __________________
    Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke
    Bishop Diocese of Udi


WHEREAS the Third Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at St. Matthew’s Church Umuaga, the Synod was presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chijioke A. Aneke (JP) as led by the Holy Spirit on the Theme “Giving: Indispensable
For Mission and Evangelism” .
The Synod was duly constituted and was made up of the Diocesan officials, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity representing all the Parishes and the Church Organizations in the Diocese. The Synod, after due conduct of its business, rose with the following communiqué/resolutions.
  1. Gratitude to God:
    The Synod is immensely grateful to the Almighty God for the successful conclusion of the Third Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi.
  2. Gratitude to the Bishop:
    The Synod appreciates and commends the Bishop on the lucid, visionary, purposeful and dynamic manner he spiritually presented the Presidential Address/Bishop’s charge and his choice of this year’s theme “Giving: Indispensable for Mission and Evangelism”.
  3. Gratitude to the Diocesan Women President:
    The Synod commends the doggedness of the Diocesan Women President Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke “Nne Udo” and the Women Ministry on their evangelism, capacity building, projects and donations.
  4. Gratitude and Appreciation:
    • The Synod is highly grateful to the Guest Preacher Rt. Rev. Henry Okechukwu Okeke, the Bishop of Diocese of Mbamili in the Ecclesiastical Province of the Niger, who explores the theme of the Synod. He scholarly and spiritually dealt with the Synod theme. The Synod is also immensely appreciative of Evangelist Nnamdi Ezeh who handled the Bible study during the Session. His handling of the Bible study was both scholarly and spiritually edifying.
    • The Synod further expresses its gratitude to Mr. Tobechukwu Charles Ezechukwu and Dr. Chinedum S. Aranotu for their inspiring presentations on Investment and Wealth Creation and Health and related Issues respectively during the teaching sessions, and prays God to continue to guide, protect and replenish them bountifully.
    • The Synod was pleased with the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and the Diocesan especially to the Archbishop of the Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Enugu Diocese His Grace the Most Rev’d. Dr. E. O. Chukwuma OON and former Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Oji River Diocese Most Rev. Dr. A. A. Madu.
    • The Synod expresses sincere gratitude to Umuaga Archdeaconry particularly the host Parish St. Matthew’s Church Umuaga, for successfully hosting the Third Session of the Third Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion).
    • The Synod appreciates the secretariat, led by Ven. T. N. Igwenagu, Mass Media, Security Agencies, Kitchen, visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects being carried out within the Diocese.
  5. Theme of the Synod:
    The Synod is most grateful to God that the choice of this year’s Synod theme: “Giving: Indispensable for Mission and Evangelism” is apt and chosen under the direction of the Holy Spirit especially now when many believers are not willing to give freely for Mission and Evangelism as first demonstrated by God Almighty and also the Apostles of old during their time. It has been a clarion call on all and sundry on issue of giving for Mission and Evangelism which was previously dealt on past Sessions of this Synod year with the themes “ Go and make Disciples of All Nation” (Matthew 28:19), “Witnessing For Christ” (Acts 1:8). The Synod charges all Christians to give because it is a command (Exodus 35 & Luke 6:38) from God with bountiful benefit such as intimacy with God, security in God, freedom to the souls, increase to the giver etc. The Synod calls on Christians to reconsider how they have fared in giving for God’s work; to deliberately upgrade the level of their giving and to decide to willingly and joyfully let go of their substance for the spread of the gospel and support servants of God and further warns that if we refuse this appeal which is disobedience to the will of God that sooner than later, we might lose control of those wealth and the riches due to old age or death, and others will manage it or squander all the possession we have laboured for. Finally, the Synod urges us to store our treasures in Heaven, now we have the opportunity where neither old age nor death can affect it.
  6. Diocesan News:
    The Synod expresses gratitude to God for the giant achievements of the Diocese, it’s the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our sight. These include:
    • The successful completion of its Third Session of the Third Synod.
    • Trinity Ordination and dedications.
    • Upgrading of Bethany Hospital and Maternity.
    • Production of DIOU Table Water and Sachet Water.
  7. State of the Nation:-
    • The Synod prays the Almighty God to heal our President Muhamadu Buhari, bring him back safely and grant him the courage to accept that the pressure of governance is too heavy for his health at this time.
    • The Synod laments that our country Nigeria is at cross- roads “it is no longer at ease in this dispensation and the center cannot hold”. (Prof. Chinua Achebe).
    • The Synod calls on every well meaning Nigerian especially Christians to fast and pray for the country.
    • The Synod enjoins Christians to humble themselves and live a righteous life and never cease to witness for Christ so that God will fight our battle and quell the storm of confusion, injustice and insincerity in the land.
  8. Enugu State:
    • The Synod heartily congratulates the Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency Hon. Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (Gburugburu) and his Deputy Barr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Ezeilo for their two years in office.
    • The Synod commends the Governor in the area of road construction and road rehabilitation.
    • The Synod notes with delight the road network presently ongoing in Nsukka Urban which is of high quality.
    • The Synod commends the Governor for his quick intervention on the Ninth Mile, Udi, Oji-River, Ugwuoba road which removed the stress on that road occasioned by unprecedented degradation.
    • The Synod urges him to expedite action on the completion of the handover of Schools to the Mission (Anglican Communion) to ensure adequate provision and supervision of quality education.
    • The Synod commends the Deputy Senate President His Excellency Ike Ekweremadu for the work in progress on the Nkwoagu/Umuabi/Cathedral road and enjoins him to ensure adequate quality supervision and speedy completion of the project.
    • The Synod also urges him to consider the rehabilitation of Agbaogwugwu/Isuawa/Obinagu road which are impassable due to erosion thereby making these communities inaccessible through Umuabi.
    • The Synod note with dismay epileptic power supply from the Enugu Electricity Distribution company (EEDC) and enjoins both the government and this organization to actualize their promise of steady power supply to the people of Enugu State and its environs.
    • The Synod is delighted by the promptness with which the State employees are paid monthly and prays the Governor to extend the gesture to Local Government workers.
    • The Synod notes with dismay the unwarranted disrespect and gross inhuman treatment meted to the pensioners “Elder Statesmen” each time they are summoned for verification exercise and prays His Excellency for immediate attention for these aged and sickly pensioners.
    • The Synod notes with dismay the impromptu electioneering campaign commenced now in earnest notwithstanding that election is still two years ahead.
    • The Synod implores His Excellency not to be distracted with such campaign but to continue with his good governance and credible leadership.
  9. Issues of Serious Concern: The Synod seriously frowns at the attitude of members of the Diocese in giving and charges them to upgrade their method of giving, since it is a command from the Lord, and is indispensable for mission and evangelism.
Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke
Bishop Diocese of Udi


WHEREAS the First Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at St. Peter’s Church, Nachi, the Synod was presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chijioke A. Aneke on the Theme “Behold l Come Quickly” Rev. 22:7, 12 & 20. The Synod was duly constituted and was made up of the Diocesan officials, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity representing all the Parishes and the Church Organizations in the Diocese.
  1. Gratitude to God:
    The Synod expresses immense gratitude to Almighty God for making the First Session of the Fourth Synod a reality.
  2. Gratitude to the Bishop: The Synod appreciates and commends our amiable, visionary, and purposeful and dynamic Bishop on his Evangelical works in the Diocese, Human Resource Development, Infrastructural Development and his choice of this year’s Theme: “Behold l Come Quickly”.
  3. Gratitude to the Diocesan Women President: The Synod congratulates the Diocesan Women President, Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke “Nneudo” and the Women Ministry on their massive move towards the development of the Diocese both spiritually and materially.
  4. Gratitude and Appreciation:
    • The Synod is most thankful to the Synod Guest Preacher, Rt. Rev. Paul Amechi Udogu, the Lord Bishop of Afikpo Diocese not only for accepting to come and be our Guest Preacher but also brilliantly and spiritually dealt with the said theme throughout the Synod.
    • The Synod is also immensely appreciative to Ven. Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu Uzuegbunam who professionally and scholarly co-ordinated the Bible study.
    • The Synod expresses sincere gratitude to the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and the Diocesan especially to the Archbishop of the Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Enugu Diocese His Grace the Most Rev’d Dr. E. O. Chukwuma OON and former Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Oji River Diocese Most Rev. Dr. A. A. Madu.
    • The Synod is grateful to St. Peter’s Church Nachi for successfully hosting the First Session of the Forth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion).
    • The Synod appreciates the Secretariat, led by Ven. T. N. lgwenagu, Mass Media, Security Agencies, Kitchen, Visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects being carried out within the Diocese.
  5. Theme of the Synod: The Synod observes with great delight that the choice of this year’s Synod Theme was no doubt made under the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit. The Theme “Behold l Come Quickly” could not have been more appropriate than at such a time as this when the entire world is in chaos which show the signs of return of the LORD of the church, Jesus the Christ and these includes Wars, Famines and Pestilences, Natural Disasters, Increase in wickedness, Killing of Christians, Increase in sin etc. The Synod calls on all Slumbering Saints Militant to arouse themselves to work while it is day, for night comes when no man can work; and further encourages the believers in Jesus Christ, that no matter the weight of the present uncertainties not to give up. The Synod emphasizes on the immediacy and suddenness of coming of Christ as clearly highlighted in the Bishop’s charge and enjoins all Christians to be ready at all time.
  6. Diocesan News: The Synod is most thankful to God Almighty for the impressive achievements of the Diocese. These include:-
    • The formal opening and dedication of DIOU Table Water on 24th June, 2017.
    • The inauguration of two Archdeaconries in the Diocese which include Abia Archdeaconry on 8th October, 2017 and Agbalaenyi Nachi Archdeaconry on 15th October, 2017.
    • Ordination, collation and lnstallation of three Priests, two honorary Canons and two Archdeacons.
    The Synod notes and acknowledges the proposed celebration of the 10th year Anniversary of the Diocese during the Easter week of 2019 (the week immediately after Easter). The Synod recommends that publication Committee should compile all the (Ten) Bishop’s Addresses till date for the use in the Diocese. The Synod ratifies the proposal from the Diocesan Board for the establishment of Micro Finance Bank by the Diocese.
  7. Church of Nigeria News:
    • The Synod congratulates His Grace the Most Rev. Ali Baba Lamido, Bishop of Wusasa and Archbishop of Kaduna Province on his election as the first elected Dean of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).
  8. State of the Nation:
    1. The Synod laments on the happenings now in the country which are well known to all of us – the wanton shedding of blood on daily basis, unpaid pension and gratuity at all levels of government, worsening unemployment, insecurity, industrial unrest, persecution of the Church.
    2. The Synod enjoins all Christians to engage in fervent prayers to avert or minimize these unpleasant incidences.
    3. The Synod commends Federal Government for passing into Law the financial autonomy to the State Houses of Assembly and Judiciary and further urges them to replicate same to the Local Government Councils.
    4. The Synod aggressively denounces the statement by the Minister of Defense Dan Ali that anti grazing laws should be abrogated which is very insensitive, unpatriotic and cruel.
    5. The Synod decries the killing of Christian faithfuls including the killing in cool blood of two Priests and 27 worshippers inside the Church in Benue State and enjoins
    6. The Synod expresses dismay at some of lgbo traditional rulers who collect cows and cash gifts from the Fulani Herdsmen and provide them unrestricted access to their communities. In doing so, they provide avenues for the Herdsmen to unleash destruction on the farms of the rural dwellers, while raping and slaughtering innocent people in the community.
    7. The Synod calls on the traditional rulers to mobilize their communities into a firm defensive posture in tandem with the Police and other security agencies for the protection of the communities.
    8. The Synod acknowledges that it is good to confer a post humous award of GCFR on Alhaji MKO Abiola but admonishes that all good things will be better if properly done and within the confines and provision of the Law. The Synod feels that the National Council of States and the National Assembly should have been consulted before the proclamation.
  9. Enugu State: The Synod enjoins all residence of the Diocese to acquire their permanent voters card (PVC) and use it appropriately during the election.
  10. lssues of concern: The Synod notes with dismay, despite teaching and bible studies in our various churches on the continuing involvement of Christians in fetish activities, masquerading, consulting mediums and calls on them to rise up and move away from the region of procrastination to the realm of active participation in the work that has been set before us; and further warns that the Master, the one who called and enlisted us in the army of believers shall suddenly return as He promised, when we least expected Him.
  11. __________________
    Rt. Rev’d. Chijioke Augustine Aneke
    Bishop Diocese of Udi


WHEREAS the Second Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at St. Peter’s Church Amaji, Umuabi. The Synod was presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chijioke A. Aneke (JP) on the Theme “But they that Wait upon the Lord shall Renew their Strength ” (lsaiah 40:31). The Synod was duly constituted and was made up of the House of Bishop, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity representing all the Parishes and the Church Organizations in the Diocese.
The Synod, after due conduct of its business, rose with the following communiqué/resolutions.
    The Synod expresses her sincere gratitude to Almighty God for His inspiration and guidance in making the Second Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese a success.
    The Synod appreciates and commends the Bishop on the lucid, incisive, visionary and energetic manner he spiritually presented the Presidential Address/Bishop’s Charge and his choice of this year’s theme “But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength” lsaiah 40:31
    The Synod commends the doggedness of the Diocesan Women President Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke “Nne Udo” and the Women Ministry on their evangelism, capacity building, projects and donations.
    • The Synod is highly grateful to the Synod Guest Preacher Rt. Rev’d Timothy Yahaya, the Bishop of Kaduna Diocese, who explored the theme of the Synod. He scholarly and spiritually dealt with the Synod theme.
    • The Synod is also immensely appreciative of Ven. Dr. Emmanuel Nwachukwu Uzuegbunam who handled the Bible Study during the Session. His handling of the Bible Study was scholarly and spiritually edifying.
    • The Synod further expresses its gratitude to Ven. Prof Samuel Obiajulu lke for his inspiring and revealing presentations on Cardio Vascular problems.
    • The Synod was pleased with the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and the Diocesan especially former Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Oji River Diocese Most Rev. Dr. A.A. Madu, and the Most Rev. Maxwell Anikwenwa former Dean Church of Nigeria and Bishop Emeritus Diocese of Awka.
    • The Synod is also grateful to Cathedral Deanery particularly the host Parish St. Peter’s Church Amaji, Umuabi for successfully hosting the Second Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion).
    • The Synod appreciates the secretariat, led by the Ven. T.N. lgwenagu, Mass Media, Security Agencies, Kitchen, visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects being carried out within the Diocese.
    The Synod is most grateful to God that the choice of this year’s Synod theme: “But they that Wait upon the Lord, shall Renew their strength” is apt and chosen under the direction of the Holy Spirit especially now when many believers are demoralized, discouraged and doubts God’s ability to deliver and to save; the Synod theme encourages believers in Christ to remain steadfast. Believers are enjoined to renew their strength in our work with God, Evangelism and soul winning, Discipleship and youth empowerment, contending for the faith etc. This will help believers to be ready at all times as we considered in our last year’s theme “Behold l come Quickly” (Rev. 22:12)
    Finally, the Synod further reminds us that following Jesus is not easy, the way is hard, but the path leads to life eternal and the way to be waiting for the return of Jesus is to carry our cross daily and follow Him.
    The Synod expresses gratitude to God for the wonderful achievements of the Diocese which include:
    • The ordination of three Deacons on 2nd December, 2018.
    • The dedication/foundation laying of St. Andrew’s Church Agbudu and Bethany Hospital and Maternity Udi.
    • The 10th Anniversary celebration of the Diocese in April, 2019.
    • The second Knighthood lnvestiture on 22nd April, 2019.
    • The purchase of a new bus by DCMF for the use of Holy Child Convent Nachi.
    • Six new members were licensed as Lay Readers of the Diocese.
    • The purchase of N3.5 million additional truck by the Diocesan Women Ministries for the distribution of DIOU Table Water.
    The Synod is grateful to the Diocesan Women Ministries led by Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke (Nneudo) for the massive support they give the Diocese and urges them not to relent in their good work.
  7. Provincial News
    The Synod thanked God for successful service of Rt. Rev’d Prof. Evans Jonathan lbeagha (rtd) and his wife Prof. Peace lbeagha for a job well done in laying a very formidable foundation in Diocese of Nike as the first Bishop and pray that the good Lord will guide them.
    The Synod commends the new Bishop of Nike Rt. Rev. Dr. Christian Onyeka Onyia to God on his enthronement as the second Bishop of Nike Diocese and prays that devils flee from him, people honour him and God Almighty establish his episcopacy in Jesus Name, Amen.
    The Synod congratulates the Archbishop Most Rev’d E.O. Chukwuma for his re-election for the second term as the Archbishop of Ecclesiastical Province of Enugu.
  8. Church of Nigeria News
    The Synod congratulates the immediate past Chairman of Global Future Conference (GAFCON) The Most Rev. Dr. Nicholas D. Okoh Archbishop Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria for his high quality and godly leadership.
    • The Synod heartily congratulates our Governor Rt. Hon. lfeanyi Ugwuanyi (Gburugburu) for his re-election for a second tenure as Executive Governor of Enugu State.
    • The Synod urges the Governor to use this his second tenure to address the issue of vulnerability of lgbo land.
    • The Synod laments that our people are living in fear all day long as farmers cannot cultivate their crops as our farm lands are occupied by strangers who rape, maim and kill anyone who challenges them. Our streams and other sources of water supply in the past have become inaccessible.
    • The Synod passionately urges the Governor to use his good offices as chief Security Officer of the State to liaise with his brother Governors of the South East to change the narrative and give our people succour.
    • The Synod prays for the Governor to succeed in the onerous task.
  10. State of the Nation
    The Synod laments that Nigeria is at cross-roads now and prays that God intervenes to save our nation and her people from disintegration. The Synod laments on the high rate of insecurity in the country
    • The insurgents and Boko-Haram’s killings.
    • The herdsmen and farmers attack.
    • Kidnappings and wanton destruction of life
    • The killings of Christian faithful
    • The Synod urges the Federal Government to accede to State Police and Local Government Police bills presented by the Legislature.
    • The Synod frowns at the closure of AIT- Television and Radio which amounts to the suppression of freedom of expression which is the hallmark of democracy. The Federal Government should be restrained from descent to Dictatorship.
    The Synod notes that we have to face global challenges like climate change, global warning, pollution on land and sea as well as social problems like hunger, lack of portable water, sickness, terrorism, insurgency and increase in crime wave but we shall through all these make it to Heaven.
    The Synod therefore warns believers to be on guard and abide by the word of Apostle Paul to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” in order for believers to make it to Heaven.
  12. __________________
    Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke
    Bishop Diocese of Udi


WHEREAS the Third  Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion) was held at St. Peter’s Church Agbalaenyi, Nachi, Oji River Local Government Area. The Synod was presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chijioke A. Aneke (JP) on the Theme “Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness...” (Matt. 6:33).

The Synod was duly constituted and was made up of the House of Bishop, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity representing all the Parishes and the Church Organizations in the Diocese.
After exhaustive deliberations on the Bishop’s charge, the Bible Study and various committees Reports and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Synod rose with the following communiqué/resolutions.
1.	Gratitude to God:
The Synod expresses immense gratitude to Almighty God for making the Third Session of the Fourth Synod a reality.

2.	Gratitude to the Bishop:
The Synod appreciates and commends our amiable, visionary , purposeful and dynamic Bishop on his Evangelical works in the Diocese. Human Resource Development, lnfrastructural Development and his choice of this year’s Theme: “Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness”. (Matt. 6:33)

3.	Gratitude to the Diocesan Women President:
The Synod congratulates the doggedness of the Diocesan Women President Mrs. Comfort O. Aneke “Nne Udo” and the Women Ministry on their massive move towards the development of  the Diocese both spiritually and materially.  

4.	Gratitude and Appreciation:
	The Synod is most thankful to the Synod Guest Preachers Ven. Prof. Mathias Onyinyechukwu Okpala, Ven. Prof. Chinedu Ositdinma Nebo the former Minister of Power of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Ven. Alex Uwaechina. They brilliantly  and spiritually dealt with the said Theme. 

	The Synod is also immensely appreciative of Ven. Lemuel Chukwugekwuonum Ojih (Rtd) who professionally and scholarly co-ordinated the Bible Study.
	The Synod expresses sincere gratitude to the Bishops who came to show solidarity with the Diocese and the Diocesan especially former Archbishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Oji River Diocese Most Rev. Dr. A.A. Madu, 
	The Synod is grateful to St. Peter’s Church Agbalaenyi, Nachi for successfully hosting the Third Session of the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Udi (Anglican Communion).
	The Synod appreciates the secretariat, led by the Ven. T.N. lgwenagu, Mass Media, Security Agencies, Kitchen, visitors from sister Dioceses, friends and well wishers who generously donated for the various projects being carried out within the Diocese.
5.	Theme of the Synod:
The Synod is most grateful to God that the choice of this year’s Synod theme: “Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness” (Matt. 6:33). There is no doubt that the Theme was chosen under the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit and it is appropriate at this time when the entire world is in chaos, it serves as an antidote to a worry laden world and a panacea to attaining all desires in this life.

The Synod calls on all Christians to make the pursuit of God their chief priority and further assures Christians of some benefits of seeking God first which includes perfect peace, comfort, God’s clear direction and guidance, protection , co-heir with Christ, access to God, elevation etc.

The Synod further enjoins all Christians to hold on to this truth “Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and everything you need for life will be added to you” which is God’s number one priority  and failure to hold on to this truth will lead one to unnecessary burden, stress, hardship and frustration.
6.    Diocesan News:
The Synod is most thankful to God Almighty for the impressive achievements of the Diocese. These include:
•	Foundation stone laying and Dedication of Church of Advent Obinagu Abia.
•	lnfrastractural development at Bethany Hospital and lnternal refurbishment of the Hospital.
•	Palliatives to members during Lockdown of Coronavirus Pandemic.
•	Trinity Ordination  

The Synod notes the postponement on the date of the Diocesan’s birthday and commemoration of his wedding Anniversary and Ordination due to the outbreak of corona virus and enjoins the Diocese and friends  of the Diocese to celebrate with him on the 29th December, 2020 at the Cathedral Church of Emmanuel Umuabi by 10.am.

The Synod ratifies the blue print of the Committee on 2020 – 2030 as decade of Evangelism in Udi Diocese (Anglican Communion).

7. Provincial News
The Synod thanked God for successful service of Rt. Rev’d Dr. Emma Afam Ugwu and Dr (Mrs) Joy Ugwu for a job well done in Awgu/Aninri Diocese and prays that the good Lord will guide them. 
The Synod commends Rt. Rev’d Dr. Emma Afam Ugwu and Dr. (Mrs) Joy Ugwu for retiring meritoriously having attained the mandatory retirement age.
The Synod salutes the new Bishop of Awgu/Aninri Diocese Rt. Rev’d Benson Chukwunwike and his wife Mrs. lfeoma Chukwunwike and wish them well in their Episcopacy and prays God to grant them the grace and anointing to excel. 

8. Church of Nigeria News
The Synod congratulates the new Primate Most Rev’d Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, the Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria and his wife Mrs. Angela Ebere Ndukuba the President of the Church of Nigeria Mothers’ Union on their elevation and prays that the Lord who has called them will grant them the enabling grace.
The Synod commends the former Primate and his wife, the Most Rev’d Nicholas D. and Mrs Nkasiobi Asierunachi Okoh for their doggedness in God’s work and prays the good Lord to still flourish them like palm trees planted by the riverside even in their old age. 

9 Enugu State:-	
	The Synod celebrate with the State at its 29th birthday and applauds all the past and incumbent democratically elected governors and further enjoins them to avail their wealth of experiences selflessly to whoever becomes Governor of Enugu State for positive impact in the State.
	The Synod commends his Excellency Rt. Hon. lfeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi for his commitment in leading the State to enviable height and for the peace in the State especially his effort in curbing the excesses of Fulani herdsmen by establishing security body called Forest Guards, training and equipping them with patrol vehicles cum gadgets.
	The Synod immensely thank the governor His Excellency Rt. Hon lfeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi and his deputy Barr. Mrs Cecilia Ezeilo for the palliative  materials and fund released to the Diocese for the poor and vulnerable at the heat of the Coronavirus.
	The Synod further prays His Excellency Rt. Hon lfeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi to extend the payment of the minimum wage to Local Government staff and Primary School teachers for the sake of equity.
	The Synod commends the State for Youth empowerment programmes and appeals the government to empower the youth with start up capital as promised to enable the youth practice what they learnt.
	The Synod commends the recently conducted Local Government Elections in the State and further calls on all the officers elected not to see it as an opportunity to amass wealth rather as an opportunity to serve God and humanity.
	The Synod congratulates Hon lfeanyi Agu the Executive Chairman of Udi Local Government Area and his deputy and prays for God’s guidance and excellent leadership.
	The Synod frowns at the loss of lives of people on the 23rd August 2020 at Emene in Enugu State and calls for well meaning lgbos to  have  a deep thoughts and not talks over the incident.

10.	State of the Nation:
•	The Synod commends the Federal Government of Nigeria led by the President, His Excellency Muhamadu Buhari on the effort made so far to stop the spread of Coronavirus in Nigeria.
•	The Synod commends the Federal Government of Nigeria for the palliative measures and other measures put in place to ameliorate hardship on the masses.
•	The Synod frowns at the level of decay in our health sector and urges both the Federal and State Government to do the needful on investing heavily in the health care system especially in the area of infrastructure, funding, human capital development and specialist services etc.
•	The Synod decries the un-abating wave of insecurity and crisis in the country, especially the Bokoharam, terrorists, Fulani killer, herdsmen, kidnappers, rapists and serial killers are on rampage and having a field day, yet no arrest have been made nor anyone prosecuted.
•	The Synod condemns in its entirety the mass killing in Southern Kaduna, sympathises with their families and implores the Federal Government and the lnternational Community to join forces with Nigeria to effect adequate peace in the area.
•	The Synod frowns at the Level of infrastructural decay in our public Universities and calls on Federal and State governments to inject fund into the system for revitalization.
•	The Synod further calls on the Federal Government to address all outstanding issues with Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) for a smooth re-opening of our nation’s Universities.
•	The Synod condemns the simultaneous increase in pump price of petrol and Electricity tariff now that economic hardship is biting hard on Nigerians due to the COVID 19 economic Lockdown which affected the global economy.
•	The Synod therefore, calls on the Federal Government to fashion out measures aimed at cushioning the effect on Nigerians.
•	The Synod notes with dismay that Nigeria’s external debts profile rose from £9.7 billion in 2015 to £27 billion in 2019 and therefore calls on the Federal Government to desist from further borrowing, but rather channel the borrowed funds towards capital expenditures and Agricultural expansion that would bring boom to the economy; so as to save our unborn children from modern day slavery and colonization.

11.  Issues of Serious Concern:
•	The Synod seriously frowns at the attitude of Christians whose priorities are driven by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which includes water, food, clothes, Housing, protection, security, preservation, self-actualization and significance and therefore, implores them to “Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and everything you need for life will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33) NIV.
•	The Synod enjoins all and sundry to adhere strictly to the rules guiding prevention of spread of COVID 19.

Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke
Bishop Diocese of Udi

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Rt. Rev. Chijioke Aneke
Bishop Diocese of Udi